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by Tatiana Balaban
“For me luxury is about emotions, feelings and belonging to your own person.
If you buy a Stradivarius violin, you are the owner of a timeless experience.
In fact, this is luxury, to be in front of an object that makes you speechless.”
“As applied to a specific socio-economic field, I think a good indication of what luxury is could be provided by price.
In luxury a high price can stimulate demand and this is really exceptional.
If the price is not perceived as high then we can conclude that we are not in luxury!”
“For me, luxury is the best of something, it can be tangible, intangible or just an experience I create.
It’s a positive emotion inspired by a person, a product, a service, and I think that matters the most.”
“Luxury is attention to detail, originality, exclusivity and above all quality.”
“Luxury goods are the only area which it is possible to make luxury margins.
In the luxury business, you have to build on heritage.”
“Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty.
It is not.
It is the opposite of vulgarity.”
“The quality remains long after the price is forgotten.”
“Luxury is the balance of design, in the sense of beauty and highest quality.”
“Luxury can be very simple, for example, staying 15 minutes longer in bed.”